Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Politics Draiman commented on Israel'd articles. November 11, 2014 facebook

Politics Draiman commented on an article. November 11, 2014 facebook
Saved on: Mon 1/26/2015 10:16 AM

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
The Arab-Palestinian Violence must be stopped at all costs, no holds barred r2
Israel and the Jewish people must stand United against evil terror and violence. This is no time to be selfish and score political points on the dead bodies of Jewish souls.
The situation today with terror attacks on a daily basis is no different than July 2014 when Hamas - a recognized terrorist organization firing thousands of missile against Israel's population centers.
These are very difficult days. The escalating Arab violence and attack after attack carried out by Arab savage knife wielders and inhuman vehicular use as a weapon of terror, are again putting to a test the spiritual strength and resolve of the Israeli people. Our enemies, both foreign and domestic, should know that we will never lose our will to live as a free people in our homeland, NEVER AGAIN, because we have no other home in the world. Israel is the only Jewish country for over 4000 years. We must defend it no matter what, damn the torpedoes. Jews who are not willing to grasp a sword will not be able to hold onto life, we will not let a Holocaust decimate us. We will not give up and we will not capitulate or cower to terror, threats and intimidation, because this is our mission in life. Weakness is not leadership and endless fruitless concessions do not constitute a vision.
While we preach and pursue peace and coexistence, the Arabs are pursuing terror, death and violence. They, the Arabs clearly state in no ambiguous terms that they want to kill the Jews and destroy Israel.
The Israeli government must send a clear and determined message and act with all the force necessary to put the murderous violence to a halt. This is war, and we have no choice but to win at all costs, if we want to live and prosper. "Let us all as a unified nation go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it." We have turned a desert into a flourishing country, we can and will defend our homeland.
Chanukah, the holiday celebrating the Liberation of Jerusalem is less than a month away. Chanukah is a time of renewal. Significantly outnumbered, the Maccabee's succeeded against great odds by combining strategy, devotion to God and a willingness to sacrifice themselves in their unified battle against both assimilation and religious persecution. They returned to rededicate the ransacked and desecrated temple in Jerusalem with renewed faith and hope for the future. Today is no different, The Jewish nation is fighting for its survival, let us follow in the footsteps of our ancestors.
The increased Arab terrorism and violence in Greater Israel is promoting Arab-Palestinian population transfer.
The Arab attacks on Jews and continued violence explicitly raising the option of population transfer by recommending that Israel "find an outlet for this [Arab-Palestinian] population east of the Jordan River and elsewhere. Also promoting the venue of relocating Arab-Palestinians in Israel to the Million homes of Jewish people who were expelled from Arab countries.

Mahmoud Abbas has no right to demand anything, he belongs in jail.
The Arabs cannot be trusted – Mahmoud Abbas the financier of the Munich Olympics massacre and mastermind of the Achille Lauro, a multiple Murderer and convicted murderer on the run. (Where-ever the Muslims are in the world there is upheaval, killing and destruction).
It is time to put Mahmoud Abbas in jail where he belongs and charge him with crimes against humanity and murder charges for being complicit in terror attacks and the death of many people.

 war by the Jews retaking it resulted in acclaimed International Lawyers holding that the West Bank was disputed, not occupied, and the Jews had the better claim to it.
4. In the Partition of 1947, the UN General Assembly recommended an award of part to the Arabs, that was not a grant because it had already been granted to the Jews. The Jews assented, but the Arabs declined. The Jews still had their rights under San Remo. The Arabs had no rights, certainly not the inalienable rights continuously claimed by Arafat and Abbas or by the General Assembly that has no authority to avoid Article 80 of the UN Charter, or even to go beyond a recommendation for Partition that has no effect if both parties do not agree.
5. In 1948 Israel declared independence, established unified control over its territory and defended it by blood and treasure. That is historically the way sovereignty arises.
6. Under canon law the Jews had exclusive rights granted by G-d as provided in the Old Testament.
These San Remo rights make possible a one state solution to the current Arab Israeli conflict in Palestine. Those in the Diaspora are also intended as the beneficiaries of the San Remo grant. However in writing this from the relative safety of suburban Washington, DC, it is not our intention to urge this course on the heroic Israelis who currently face an added existential threat from Iran. Note we say relative safety.
With Iran's hurrying development of nuclear bombs and intercontinental ballistic missiles, no one is safe. This is only to confirm the necessity and legality of a "one Jewish state solution" that others, before us, have already suggested. It is the Israelis who must choose.

Obama's U.S. Middle East policy is premised on a web of self-justifying fictions that are flatly contradicted by the assessments of American diplomats and allies in the region."
Mahmoud Abbas has no right to demand anything, he belongs in jail.
The Arabs cannot be trusted – Mahmoud Abbas the financier of the Munich Olympics massacre and mastermind of the Achille Lauro, a multiple Murderer and convicted murderer on the run. (Where-ever the Muslims are in the world there is upheaval, killing and destruction).

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
Mahmoud Abbas has no right to demand anything, he belongs in jail.
The Arabs cannot be trusted – Mahmoud Abbas the financier of the Munich Olympics massacre and mastermind of the Achille Lauro, a multiple Murderer and convicted murderer on the run. (Where-ever the Muslims are in the world there is upheaval, killing and destruction).

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
Freedom of Speech Limitations
If you are in a theatre and you yell fire, when there is no fire and cause injuries to the audience at large by your yelling fire you have forfeited you right to free speech.
The same applies to anyone who promotes violence, incites the public to violence and sedition, Uses his freedom of speech to promote treason against the State.
Israel has bent over backward in protecting the right to free speech.
It is time for Israel to go on the offensive and utilize its laws to prosecute those who abuse their right to free speech, that right has its limitations.
We must hold Arab-Palestinians accountable for teaching hate, honoring terrorist and celebrating terror attacks.
Any capitulation or concessions to Arab-Palestinians demands breeds greater outrageous demands and more violence.

There never has been, there is not now and there never will be a country called “Palestine. ”The Arab/Palestinians/Moslems squatting on Jewish land in and around Israel are overwhelmingly either descendants of invaders, illegal immigrants or trespassers. The term “Palestinian” was popularized after the Six Day War in ’67 in an attempt to delegitimize Israel. There are already 21 Arab/Moslem dominated countries spread out over a few millions square miles of territory, including most of Jordan which was part of the Jewish allocated land under the League of Nations in 1922. It also stated that the Jewish people are to set up their own government and none other. The Arabs also ejected close to a million Jewish people from their countries and confiscated their homes and assets, about a third of the Jewish people died while leaving the Arab countries. The Arab/Moslems are not interested in creating a 22nd Arab controlled country. Their only desire is to annihilate the one and only Jewish state." And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel “Dwell securely in the land (of … (Holy Quran 17:104). (Surah Al-Ma’ida, verse 21), and the other (Surah Al-Shara’a, verse 59) says that the land was bequeathed to the Jews.
1. Under International Law and Treaties – An Arab/Palestinian State cannot be established in Israel on Jewish land allocated to the Jewish people under the San Remo agreement of 1922 and ratified by the League of Nations and signed by 51 member states.
Jordan is the Palestinian State – The land originally allocated to the Jewish people,
The British violated the agreement and gave it to the Arabs.
YJ Draiman

Obama's relations with Israel and other Nations
Obama has no respect from many of the International community. Obama has no credibility, he has the least experience in real politics, he is the worst president the U.S. has ever had. Obama has alienated many nations and has caused foreign policy damage that is costing the American taxpayer trillions. Obama has abused his executive powers and should be prosecuted for his violations. Obama is ignoring the true sovereignty of the Jewish people in Israel and the various treaties and international agreements entered into after WWI. Obama's blatant disrespect of Netanyahu and Israel's International legitimate rights shows his naivety in International matters and foreign policy. Obama's lack of etiquette is an outright embarrassment to the United States.
Natanyahu is trying his best, but he will not compromise the security of Israel and that is the way a leader should perform. It is interesting to note, that Jordan is a country that never existed in history before WWI and nobody is contesting its legitimacy or territorial sovereignty and control. The same powers that established 21 Arab States after WWI, Established the State of Israel based on the Balfur Declaration. On the other hand, Israel and its Jewish people have over 3500 year history. Many Nations and people are questioning Israel's control of its liberated territory. No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had ejected about a million Jewish people from their countries, confiscated their homes and assets to the tune of over 500 billion dollars and over 600,00 of these Jewish people were resettled in Greater Israel.
If this is not discrimination against Israel, I do not know what is.
It seems like nobody cares about land violations in other countries in the world, but when it comes to Israel, everyone has a say. Israel's rights in the treaty of San Remo of 1920 are in affect in perpetuity, clearly states that the Jewish people are the only ones with political rights in the British Mandate of Palestine and that the Jewish people can live anywhere in the British Mandate.
If the U.S., Europe and other countries will stop meddling, and stop its criticism and involvement in the politics of Israel and the Arabs, than there will be a chance for peace.
We know the great powers are only interested in the OIL and nothing else, that is the bottom line.…/20…/july/san-remo-resolution-revisited/

British reneging on it's obligation to Israel THE FORSAKEN PROMISE
League of Nations - A Dying Protest
As it became apparent that Britain was about to repudiate its obligations under the Mandate, indignation and anger were voiced, particularly in the United States. In its dying moments, the League of Nations accused Britain of a flagrant breach of its Mandate, calling attention to her "virtual suspension" of Jewish immigration. In the face of these reactions, and at a time of an international crisis in Europe, the British cabinet met on October 19 and announced that no drastic action would be taken against the Jews. The plans for a reorganized Arab Palestine were shelved, and it was announced that military action would be taken at once to put down the Arab rebels.
In November 1938, the British Government convened the London Conference on the future of Palestine. It was attended by the representatives of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Trans-Jordan - as well as a Palestinian Arab delegation (which was split between followers of the Mufti and people who were frightened of him), the Zionist Executive, and the British hosts. The Conference broke up in deadlock on March 17, 1939, two days after Hitler's occupation of Prague. It paved the way for a unilateral statement from the British Government, which would be much more favorable to the Arabs than any official statement since the beginning of the Mandate. This was the famous White Paper of May 1939, of which the main provisions were: no partition; no Jewish state; an independent Arab state within 10 years; Jewish immigration, after five years, would not be allowed "unless the Arabs of Palestine were prepared to acquiesce in it".
The legality of the White Paper, in terms of the Mandate, was not only contested by the Jews. The Permanent Mandates Commission, reporting to the Council of the League, found unanimously "that the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had placed upon the Palestine Mandate."

If you are to question Israel's sovereignty west of the Jordan river, You have to question Jordan's sovereignty east of the Jordan river and the other 21 Arab states established after WWI. All those states were established by the same allied powers that established Israel in the San Remo Treaty of 1920
Crash Course on the Arab Israeli Conflict
Here are overlooked facts in the current Middle East situation; these were compiled by a Christian university professor. It makes sense and it’s not slanted. Jew and non-Jew –it doesn’t matter. Thank You.
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., more than two thousand years before the rise of Islam. King Solomon build the Jewish Temple on Temple Mount.
2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.
3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E., the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,700 years.
4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no more than 22 years.
5. For over 3,500 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.
6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach (Bible), the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.
7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.
8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.
9. Arab and Jewish Refugees: In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.
10. The million Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms, their land and assets confiscated.
11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the about a million.
12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee-group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own peoples’ lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.
13. The Arab – Israeli Conflict: The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians.
There is only one Jewish nation.
The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost.
Israel defended itself each time and won.
14. The P.L.O.’s Charter and Hamas Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, which has violated all the agreements and promotes hate.
15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.
16. The U.N. Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel.
17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.
18. The U.N was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians.
19. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.
20. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
I can go on and list some more.

A Jewish right to live in peace in Israel must be enforced
Why as a Jew does the world think it has a right to torture me? Israel was created to prevent this and yet on my home soil someone thinks that he has a right to torture me because I am a Jew. Israel of all places in the world should be my sanctuary especially because its the Jewish official state for all Jews. Is it because I am a Jew that I deserve missiles to be thrown upon me? Is it because I am a Jew that another Jew has the right to prevent me from praying to my God on the Temple Mount? Many Jewish souls died and continue dying in Israel for the sole reason that they are Jews. Their fate was in the hand of their leaders. They deserved so much more then being murdered just because they were Jewish. We do no want to repeat the Holocaust again. Israel must learn to secure the safety of every citizen under its roof. Enough of trying to be the advocate for the these evil people called Arab-Palestinians. Israel is the home of the Jewish people. It is written in all of the holly books, the bible and history books, including archeological excavations in Israel. Enough of trying to accommodate the Arab-Palestinian people that thrive on hate and destruction towards me as a Jew. Israel must be strong and extremely strict in enforcing its laws and sovereignty. Hamas should have been destroyed, just like any other enemy of Israel who wants to destroy her. Order must be restored in the Gaza. Now the west bank (Judea and Samaria) thinks that they can torture me a Jew. Enough is enough. The time is not for revenge but for law and order with a clear message to Abbas and his P.A. that these terror and violence acts are his responsibility. If he cannot stop it, Israel will have no alternative, but to take appropriate action to stop terror and violence. Moreover, Hamas the terrorist organization must be shut down once and for all. I am a Jew and I deserve to live in peace in my own country without threat and intimidation, I expect the respect and protection that is due to me especially by my Jewish leaders.

The increased Arab terrorism and violence in Greater Israel is promoting Arab-Palestinian population transfer
The Arab attacks on Jews and continued violence explicitly raising the option of population transfer by recommending that Israel "find an outlet for this [Arab-Palestinian] population east of the Jordan River and elsewhere. Also promoting the venue of relocating Arab-Palestinians in Israel to the Million homes of Jewish people who were expelled from Arab countries.

The unrelenting obstacles to peace between Israel and the Arab-Palestinians
At the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the Arab world's refusal to accept a non-Muslim political entity in the Middle East.
Peace requires an Arab world that recognizes Israel as a legitimate political entity. Legitimacy means a State with viable and defensible borders where the Jews can exercise their own rights of self-determination (as stated in the Treaty of San Remo 1920) by virtue of demographics (i.e., a Jewish majority) – dominion that is reflected in the cultural and the political life of the Jewish nation.
The Arab's refusal to recognize Israel and their attempts to destroy the Jewish state are among the defining characteristics of Arab-Palestinian society. Measures designed to destroy Israel vary from use of force (through wars, Intifada's, suicide bombing of the population including women and children, violent riots, fabricating events and history, revolts and terrorism) to use the economic and demographic forces (economic boycotts, demands for jobs in Israel, causing intentional sabotage in the workplace while working in Israel, Palestinian infiltration into Israel without visas or other permits, and demands that Palestinian refugees from 1948 and their descendants be allowed to return to Israel). Absolute antipathy and intolerance towards non-Muslim political entities is a fate Jews shared with the Christians in Lebanon, even though Israel inhabits no more than 0.01 percent of the Middle Eastern landscape.
For over 99 years, Palestinian behavior has been based on total rejection of the Jewish State and political violence. The Palestinian refugee problem created in 1948 did not spark those strategies, nor did the “Occupation” (Liberalization of Jewish ancestral land) of the Territories in the wake of the 1967 Six-Day War, which brought back Israeli control over the West Bank (Judea and Samaria - which historically has been a Jewish entity) and Gaza .
Arabs have rejected the presence of Jews with political aspirations to rebuild their ancient homeland since the advent of political Zionism. When in 1890 the number of Jewish immigrants leaving the country equaled the number of new arrivals, and ten years of Zionist endeavor, had produced barely a dozen struggling and insolvent Jewish agricultural settlements. Arab notables from Jerusalem called upon the Ottoman administration to ban Jewish immigration and the sale of land to Jews.
At each juncture when attempts to reach a ‘live-and-let-live' solution have been advanced, Arab responses have boiled down to a two-pronged offensive that dovetails diplomacy with violence. In short, the Arabs, and particularly the Arab-Palestinians, have refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate entity or to negotiate a genuine compromise. Instead, they have tried to drive the Jews out through violence and terror and educating their children to hate and commit atrocities against the Jews.
After numerous attempts at reaching a peace agreement with the Arab-Palestinians, Israel has no choice but to utilize all its resources to quell the Arab-Palestinians violence and bring about security and safety to its citizens, utilizing zero tolerance for violence.
No limit should be set to Israel's response to subdue the perpetrators and bring about peace and tranquility to the masses.
The world at large must keep its meddling out of the Israeli and Arab Palestinians conflict. Their meddling only inflames and prolongs the conflict and hostilities.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
The unrelenting obstacles to peace between Israel and the Arab-Palestinians
At the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the Arab world's refusal to accept a non-Muslim political entity in the Middle East.
Peace requires an Arab world that recognizes Israel as a legitimate political entity. Legitimacy means a State with viable and defensible borders where the Jews can exercise their own rights of self-determination (as stated in the Treaty of San Remo 1920) by virtue of demographics (i.e., a Jewish majority) – dominion that is reflected in the cultural and the political life of the Jewish nation.
The Arab's refusal to recognize Israel and their attempts to destroy the Jewish state are among the defining characteristics of Arab-Palestinian society. Measures designed to destroy Israel vary from use of force (through wars, Intifada's, suicide bombing of the population including women and children, violent riots, fabricating events and history, revolts and terrorism) to use the economic and demographic forces (economic boycotts, demands for jobs in Israel, causing intentional sabotage in the workplace while working in Israel, Palestinian infiltration into Israel without visas or other permits, and demands that Palestinian refugees from 1948 and their descendants be allowed to return to Israel). Absolute antipathy and intolerance towards non-Muslim political entities is a fate Jews shared with the Christians in Lebanon, even though Israel inhabits no more than 0.01 percent of the Middle Eastern landscape.
For over 99 years, Palestinian behavior has been based on total rejection of the Jewish State and political violence. The Palestinian refugee problem created in 1948 did not spark those strategies, nor did the “Occupation” (Liberalization of Jewish ancestral land) of the Territories in the wake of the 1967 Six-Day War, which brought back Israeli control over the West Bank (Judea and Samaria - which historically has been a Jewish entity) and Gaza .
Arabs have rejected the presence of Jews with political aspirations to rebuild their ancient homeland since the advent of political Zionism. When in 1890 the number of Jewish immigrants leaving the country equaled the number of new arrivals, and ten years of Zionist endeavor, had produced barely a dozen struggling and insolvent Jewish agricultural settlements. Arab notables from Jerusalem called upon the Ottoman administration to ban Jewish immigration and the sale of land to Jews.
At each juncture when attempts to reach a ‘live-and-let-live' solution have been advanced, Arab responses have boiled down to a two-pronged offensive that dovetails diplomacy with violence. In short, the Arabs, and particularly the Arab-Palestinians, have refused to recognize Israel as a legitimate entity or to negotiate a genuine compromise. Instead, they have tried to drive the Jews out through violence and terror and educating their children to hate and commit atrocities against the Jews.
After numerous attempts at reaching a peace agreement with the Arab-Palestinians, Israel has no choice but to utilize all its resources to quell the Arab-Palestinians violence and bring about security and safety to its citizens, utilizing zero tolerance for violence.
No limit should be set to Israel's response to subdue the perpetrators and bring about peace and tranquility to the masses.
The world at large must keep its meddling out of the Israeli and Arab Palestinians conflict. Their meddling only inflames and prolongs the conflict and hostilities.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
A Jewish right to live in peace in Israel must be enforced
Why as a Jew does the world think it has a right to torture me? Israel was created to prevent this and yet on my home soil someone thinks that he has a right to torture me because I am a Jew. Israel of all places in the world should be my sanctuary especially because its the Jewish official state for all Jews. Is it because I am a Jew that I deserve missiles to be thrown upon me? Is it because I am a Jew that another Jew has the right to prevent me from praying to my God on the Temple Mount? Many Jewish souls died and continue dying in Israel for the sole reason that they are Jews. Their fate was in the hand of their leaders. They deserved so much more then being murdered just because they were Jewish. We do no want to repeat the Holocaust again. Israel must learn to secure the safety of every citizen under its roof. Enough of trying to be the advocate for the these evil people called Arab-Palestinians. Israel is the home of the Jewish people. It is written in all of the holly books, the bible and history books, including archeological excavations in Israel. Enough of trying to accommodate the Arab-Palestinian people that thrive on hate and destruction towards me as a Jew. Israel must be strong and extremely strict in enforcing its laws and sovereignty. Hamas should have been destroyed, just like any other enemy of Israel who wants to destroy her. Order must be restored in the Gaza. Now the west bank (Judea and Samaria) thinks that they can torture me a Jew. Enough is enough. The time is not for revenge but for law and order with a clear message to Abbas and his P.A. that these terror and violence acts are his responsibility. If he cannot stop it, Israel will have no alternative, but to take appropriate action to stop terror and violence. Moreover, Hamas the terrorist organization must be shut down once and for all. I am a Jew and I deserve to live in peace in my own country without threat and intimidation, I expect the respect and protection that is due to me especially by my Jewish leaders.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
The increased Arab terrorism and violence in Greater Israel is promoting Arab-Palestinian population transfer
The Arab attacks on Jews and continued violence explicitly raising the option of population transfer by recommending that Israel "find an outlet for this [Arab-Palestinian] population east of the Jordan River and elsewhere. Also promoting the venue of relocating Arab-Palestinians in Israel to the Million homes of Jewish people who were expelled from Arab countries.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
If you are to question Israel's sovereignty west of the Jordan river, You have to question Jordan's sovereignty east of the Jordan river and the other 21 Arab states established after WWI. All those states were established by the same allied powers that established Israel in the San Remo Treaty of 1920
Crash Course on the Arab Israeli Conflict
Here are overlooked facts in the current Middle East situation; these were compiled by a Christian university professor. It makes sense and it’s not slanted. Jew and non-Jew –it doesn’t matter. Thank You.
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem. Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., more than two thousand years before the rise of Islam. King Solomon build the Jewish Temple on Temple Mount.
2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.
3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E., the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,700 years.
4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no more than 22 years.
5. For over 3,500 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.
6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach (Bible), the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.
7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.
8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.
9. Arab and Jewish Refugees: In 1948 the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to purge the land of Jews. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.
10. The million Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab lands due to Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms, their land and assets confiscated.
11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the about a million.
12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee-group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own peoples’ lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.
13. The Arab – Israeli Conflict: The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians.
There is only one Jewish nation.
The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost.
Israel defended itself each time and won.
14. The P.L.O.’s Charter and Hamas Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, which has violated all the agreements and promotes hate.
15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.
16. The U.N. Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel.
17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.
18. The U.N was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians.
19. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.
20. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
I can go on and list some more.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
International Legal Rights of the Jewish People and the State of Israel
In international law, as in all law, there are always two sides to a question. If this were not the case, there would be little need for legal solutions. Moreover, both parties in any conflict believe the right is on their side, or at least that they have means to prove this to be so. Accordingly, no law is ever created in a vacuum; a law is created when a serious enough need arises. In 1917, owing to the events of World War I, a serious need was identified and a voice was raised. The need was that of the Jewish people, dispersed across the earth for some two thousand years, to have a national home. The voice was that of Lord Balfour, speaking on behalf of the British War Cabinet in defense of the Jewish people worldwide. This compelling need found official expression in the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The Balfour Declaration was a political statement with no legal authority; moreover, it was not international. Nonetheless it was a major turning point in the history of the dispersed Jewish people, giving them a future hope of eventually fulfilling their never dying longing for their ancient Holy Land. What it accomplished was to raise the profile, internationally, of the need of a stateless people to have a “national home” to which they could return. Of monumental significance was the official recognition of the all-important historic, religious and cultural links of the Jews to the land of their forefathers, the land that had come to be known under the Greeks and Romans as “Palestine”. Because the cause was just and the concept justified, there needed to be a way to elevate the content of this Declaration to the level of international law. Accordingly, the matter was taken up by the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers (Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the United States) at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. The issue became more complex as submissions for territorial claims were presented by both Arab and Jewish delegations, as the old Ottoman Empire was being apportioned out to the victorious Powers; thus the matter was not able to be settled within the time frame of the Paris Conference. What did happen at the Paris Conference that factored into the progression of events we are considering here was the establishment of the League of Nations which, in Article 22 of its Covenant, provided for the setting up of a mandate system as a trust for the Old Ottoman territories. The next important milestone on the road to international legal status and a Jewish national home was the San Remo Conference, held at Villa Devachan in San Remo, Italy, from 18 to 26 April 1920. This was an ‘extension’ of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 for the purpose of dealing with some of these outstanding issues. The aim of the four (out of five) members of the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers that met in San Remo (the United States being present as observer only, owing to the new noninterventionist policy of President Woodrow Wilson), was to consider the earlier submissions of the claimants, to deliberate and to make decisions on the legal recognition of each claim. The outcome, relying on Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, was the setting up of (3) three mandates, one over Syria and Lebanon (later separated into two mandates), one over Mesopotamia (Iraq), and one over Palestine.
The Mandate for Palestine was entrusted to Great Britain, as a “sacred trust of civilization” in respect of “the establishment in all of Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people”.
This was a binding resolution with all the force of international law.
In two out of the original three Mandates, it was recognized that the indigenous people had the capacity to govern themselves, with the Mandatory Power merely assisting in the establishment of the institutions of government, where necessary. This was not true of Palestine, as Palestine was, under the Mandate, to become a homeland (“national home”) for the Jewish people. Although the Jewish people were part of the indigenous population of Palestine, the majority of them at that time were not living in the Land. The Mandate for Palestine was thus quite different from the others and set out how the Land was to be settled by Jews in preparation for their forming a viable nation in the territory then known as “Palestine”. The unique obligations of the Mandatory to the Jewish people in respect of the establishment of their national home in all of Palestine thus gave a sui generis (unique, one of a kind) character to the Mandate for Palestine.
The boundaries of the “Palestine” referred to in the claimants’ submissions included territories west and east of the Jordan River.
The submissions of the Jewish claimants specified that the ultimate purpose of the mandate would be the “creation of an autonomous commonwealth”, provided “that nothing must be done that might prejudice the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities at present established in Palestine”. The resulting Mandate for Palestine, approved by the Council of the League of Nations in July 1922, was an international treaty and, as such, was legally binding. The decision made in San Remo was a watershed moment in the history of the Jewish people who had been a people without a home for some two thousand years. From the perspective of Chaim Weizmann, president of the newly formed Zionist Organization and later to become the first President of the State of Israel, “recognition of our rights in Palestine is embodied in the treaty with Turkey, and has become part of international law. This is the most momentous political event in the whole history of our movement, and it is, perhaps, no exaggeration to say in the whole history of our people since the Exile.” To the Zionist Organization of America, the San Remo Resolution “crowns the British [Balfour] declaration by enacting it as part of the law of nations of the world.” The policy to be given effect in the Mandate for Palestine was consistent with the Balfour Declaration, in significantly recognizing the historic, cultural and religious ties of the Jewish people to the Holy Land, and even stronger than the Declaration through the insertion of the fundamental principle that Palestine should be reconstituted as the national home of the Jewish people. It is particularly relevant to underline the inclusion in the terms of the Mandate (through Article 2) of the fundamental principle set out in the Preamble of this international agreement that “recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country”. The primary objective of the Mandate was to provide a national home for the Jewish people—including Jewish people dispersed worldwide—in their ancestral home.
The Arab people, who already exercised sovereignty in a number of States, were guaranteed protection of their civil and religious rights under the Mandate as long as they wished to remain, even after the State of Israel was ultimately formed in 1948. Moreover, a new State; Trans-Jordan was meanwhile added as a territory under Arab sovereignty, carved out of the very mandated territory allocated to the Jewish people at issue, by the British, prior to the actual signing of the Mandate in 1922 (see below). When the Council of the League of Nations approved the Mandate for Palestine in July 1922, it became binding on all 51 Members of the League.

Politics Draiman commented on a link.
If I forget thee Jerusalem.
If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not;.
if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy.
One must convey Jewish feelings and passions about Jerusalem with un-minced words.
When it comes to JERUSALEM'S sovereignty there is a line drawn in the sand. For the Jews, Jerusalem is their heart, aspirations, their holy city, devotion, ideals, symbol of being a nation with history, a nation with prophets, justice, fairness, rich Jewish history and the Jewish soul. When a Jew conveys his feeling about Jerusalem, he must not worry about offending anybody, or hurt feelings. We cannot make an omelet without cracking eggs, and a Jew cannot and must not be apologetic about Jewish' feelings concerning Jerusalem. it is clear to me even if I were not a Jew, just from a pragmatic consideration of running a city, that any division of Jerusalem will lead eventually to immense unbearable friction and sooner-or-later to another war. We must present and make the analogy, that dividing Jerusalem is like dividing the baby in King Solomon's verdict. Jews do not divide babies, only those who do not feel and care for the baby are prepared to take half. This is what every Jew must say.
I hope that we all have the opportunity to say these tough words for Jerusalem and the Jewish people.

A Jew is one inwardly. That circumcision is of the heart, in The Holy Spirit of G-d, and not in the letter of The Law. He will have praise of G-d, and not care about the praise of other men. A Jew is an Oracle of Almighty G-d. He just needs to believe that, with his whole heart, and act on it.

d apply to the rest of Jerusalem and Greater Israel.
In view of Mahmoud Abbas the murderer incitement for terror and violence, his violations of all the agreements. Israel has to dismantle the Palestinian Authority, They have not lived up to any agreements. They teach their children hate and promote terrorism and violence.
It is unfortunate that the Arabs cannot live in peace in Israel. A true and lasting peace will bring an enormous economic prosperity to all the people in the region.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
Israel must inform the Arabs that any disturbances or attacks will be dealt with ejection of those people, their property and assets will be confiscated and sold, the proceeds will go to a fund that compensates their victims and the area will be off limits to the Arabs.
This is the land of Israel the Jewish home for Millenniums and any threats or violent actions against the Jewish people or visitors will be dealt with the most extreme action by the Israeli authorities.
The Jewish people have the right to live in peace and harmony without threats or fear of violence and intimidation.
The Israeli government prides itself that it gives access to all people for all religions to worship at any and all religious sites. How come Jews cannot have access to all religious sites and allowed to pray, this is unacceptable. It demonstrate the lack of will to provide all Jews the religious freedoms they deserve in their own homeland.
Judea and Samaria is Jewish land and Jews must be permitted to settle anywhere in Judea and Samaria (See the San Remo Treaty 1920 that is Israel’s Magna Carta which terms are in affect today).
It is insanity to try and make peace with people who are telling everyone that they want to kill all the Jews and have no respect for human life. In view of the escalating terror and violence in Jerusalem and elsewhere.
Any capitulation or concessions to the Arab-Palestinians is seen as a weakness to the Arabs and they will not abide by any of their agreements or promises.
Israel must exercise the iron hand of zero tolerance to terror and violence, no holds barred.
If vehicular terror continues, no Arab will be permitted to drive in Israel’s controlled territory and if that is not enough other measures will be instituted.
If the Local Arab population cannot control their masses, they all will suffer the consequences.
Ariel Sharon after the 1973 Yom Kippur War warned the Arab leaders in Greater Israel that if any Arabs in their neighborhoods, villages and cities cause violence and mayhem he is holding them responsible and he will come after them.
That worked very well.
I think it is time to exercise the same terms today.
YJ Draiman
1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
2 Upon the willows in the midst thereof we hanged up our harps.
3 For there they that led us captive asked of us words of song, and our tormentors asked of us mirth: {N}
‘Sing us one of the songs of Zion.’
4 How shall we sing the LORD’S song in a foreign land?
5 If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.
6 Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not; {N}
if I set not Jerusalem above my chiefest joy.
7 Remember, O LORD, against the children of Edom the day of Jerusalem; {N}
who said: ‘Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.’
8 O daughter of Babylon, that art to be destroyed; {N}
happy shall he be, that repayeth thee as thou hast served us.
9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rock. {P}
Jerusalem In My Heart – Peace is the noblest of aspirations, but can one always say, “Peace at any price”?

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
The P.A. hopes that the great powers will continue to pressure Israel into giving it concessions without requiring it ever to end or declare an end to the armed struggle. That is the Arab notion of maintaining Islamic honor. They would deceive infidel friends and infidel enemies into thinking they are making peace, without yielding anything.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
The cause of the Arab Israeli conflict in the Middle East; is, indeed, the "occupation": the Arab occupation of Judea and Samaria etc.
The “West Bank” (Judea and Samaria) is unclaimed land. Contrary to popular opinion, Israeli re-settlements are entirely legal as long as they are within the parameters of the 1922 Mandate of Palestine. This is the same mandate that legalized and encouraged the immigration of Jews to all parts of historic Israel.
Israel’s critics may be surprised to know that the 1922 Mandate has never been superseded in international law, not even by the United Nation’s 1947 partition plan. Because the Arabs refused to recognize the partition of “Palestine,” the legal status of Judea and Samaria reverted back to the 1922 law . The capture of Judea and Samaria from Jordan in 1967 was the first step in the restoration of the territory’s true legal status. It also means that Israel’s recent “land grab” is actually the fulfillment of the original 1922 Mandate.
(Quoting the Fourth Geneva Convention to argue that the settlements are in fact illegal is nonsensical. The Fourth Geneva Convention pertains only to cases of occupation of a sovereign entity. Because of the Arab refusal to reach an agreement between 1947 and 1949, the area popularly referred to as the West Bank never became the legal territory of any sovereign entity – not even Jordan, despite its occupation of the territory until 1967. Only Israel has a legal entitlement to Judea and Samaria.)
If anyone is in any doubt, they would do well to consult a document boasting the signatures of over 1,000 respected diplomats and legal experts from around the world, ranging from South Africa and Canada to Norway and Brazil. The file was delivered to the European Union’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton in the form of a petition just over a year ago.
According to these legal experts, it is factually incorrect to refer to the settlements as illegal for the simple reason that the term “1967 lines” does not exist in international law. The pre-1967 lines are in fact 1949 armistice lines, and are not recognized lines or security lines. Moreover, the issue of borders is on the agenda of the peace talks and is subject to final status negotiations.
All of which means that the Palestinian-Arabs claim that statehood is an unassailable right should not be taken at face value. Arab hatred of Israel has never been about the settlements or even about land. The primary obstacle is an ideological refusal to recognize the Jewish people’s deep-rooted historic, cultural and legal connections to the entire land of Israel. Until the Arabs and the rest of the world accept that the Jews have an inalienable and legal right to live in Judea and Samaria, there will never be peace.

Jerusalem and Temple Mount
One of the most popular lies that has become universally accepted as if it was an indisputable truth is the myth about Jerusalem being the third sacred place to Islam. It is quite rare to hear the honest truth, that Jerusalem is the First and Only Holiest place to Judaism! As a matter of fact, Jerusalem is not mentioned at all in the Koran, and Muhammad has never been there (perhaps he did not even know about the existence of Jerusalem!). The tale about his dream flight has been related with Jerusalem in a very recent time for political strategy purposes.
1) The Islamic claim to the Temple Mount is very recent – Jerusalem’s role as “The Third Holiest Site in Islam” in mainstream Islamic writings does not precede the 1930's. It was created by the grand mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini.
Most of the problems surrounding Jerusalem can be traced to two areas of dispute: the political area that asks Jerusalem to be the capital of both Israel and the hypothetic Palestine; the other and most contentious problem is the holiness of Temple Mount to both Judaism and Islam.
The role Jerusalem has in the Hebrew Holy Scriptures is well known and not open to debate; however, there are varying opinions on the holiness of Jerusalem, specifically Temple Mount to Islam.
Many if not most opinions that counter Islam’s claim point out the Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Qur’an and did not occupy any special role in Islam until recent political exigencies transformed Jerusalem into Islam’s “third holy site”. This falsehood was created by the grand mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The mufti knew that nationalist slogans alone would not succeed in uniting the masses against arriving Jewish refugees; he therefore turned the struggle into a religious conflict. He addressed the masses clearly, calling for a holy war. Since the moment when he was appointed to the position of mufti, Haj Amin worked vigorously to raise Jerusalem’s status as an Islamic holy center.
2) The Islamic claim to Jerusalem is false – There were no mosques in Jerusalem in 632 c.e. at the death of Muhammad… Jerusalem was [then] a Christian-occupied city.
The Muslim “claim” to Jerusalem is allegedly based on what is written in the Koran, which although does not mention Jerusalem even once, nevertheless talks of the “furthest mosque” (in Sura 17:1): «Glory be unto Allah who did take his servant for a journey at night from the sacred mosque to the furthest mosque». But is there any foundation to the Muslim argument that this “furthest mosque” (al-masujidi al-aqsa) refers to what is today called the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem? The answer is, NO!
In the days of Muhammad, who died in 632 of the Common Era, Jerusalem was a Christian-occupied city within the Byzantine Empire. Jerusalem was captured by caliph Omar only in 638 c.e., six years after Muhammad’s death. Throughout all this time there were only churches in Jerusalem, and a church stood on the Temple Mount, called the Church of Saint Mary of Justinian, built in the Byzantine architectural style. The Aqsa mosque was built 20 years after the Dome of the Rock, which was built in 691-692 by caliph Abd el-Malik. The name “Omar mosque” is therefore false. In or around 711, about 80 years after Muhammad died, Malik’s son, Abd el-Wahd ‒who ruled in 705-715‒ reconstructed the Christian-Byzantine Church of St. Mary and converted it into a mosque. He left the structure as it was, a typical Byzantine “basilica” structure with a row of pillars on either side of the rectangular “ship” in the centr. All he added was an onion-like dome on top of the building to make it look like a mosque. He then named it El-Aqsa, so it would sound like the one mentioned in the Koran.
Consequently, it is crystal clear that Muhammad could never have had this mosque in mind when he wrote the Koran (if he did so), since it did not exist for another three generations after his death. Rather, as many scholars long ago established, it is logical that Muhammad intended the mosque in Mecca as the “sacred mosque”, and the mosque in Medina as the “furthest mosque”. So much for the Muslim claim based on the Aqsa mosque.
With this understood, it is no wonder that Muhammad issued a strict prohibition against facing Jerusalem in prayer, a practice that had been tolerated only for some months in order to lure Jews to convert to Islam. When that effort failed, Muhammad put an abrupt stop to it on February 624. Jerusalem simply never held any sanctity for the Muslims themselves, but only for the Jews in their domain.
3) The present Arabic name of Jerusalem is “Al-Quds”… but “Al-Quds” is an abbreviation for “The Jewish Temple”!

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
It is widely accepted, but not correct, that the West Bank belongs to the local Arabs in Palestine who in 1964, at the suggestion of the Soviet dezinformatsia, decided to call themselves "Palestinians.” as is apparent from reports of their invention by Major General Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest ranking defector from the Soviet bloc during the cold war. [1]
These "invented people" [2] also pretend they had long had a passion for self government. As shown in the footnote, the claim is actually of fairly recent origin. [3]
The full extent of Israel’s claim of sovereignty has not recently been stated. At most, it is said by the Israeli government that no one has sovereignty over the West Bank, but that Israel has the better claim. [4]
A better view is that the Jews obtained a beneficial interest in sovereignty over all of Palestine in the 1920 agreement at San Remo of a British Mandate for Palestine, that entrusted exclusive political or national rights in Palestine to Britain. The trust and guardianship was provided for the benefit of the World Jewry -- to vest when the Jews, a population minority of only 10% at the time, later matured into a legal interest. This vesting occurred at least by the time of the abandonment of the trusteeship by Britain in 1948 when the trust res devolved to the beneficiary, and in any event by the attainment of the Jews of a majority population in 1950.
The trusteeship was to be called a "mandate” as shown in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 22 of the League Covenant, but it was clearly based on the British legal concepts of trusts and guardianships.
It was in 1919 that Jan Smuts submitted a memorandum to the League, which later became Article 22. The Council of Ten drafted for the League of Nations as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles [5], an Article 22 providing for mandates for the areas in The Middle East and North Africa captured by the WWI Allies from the Ottoman Empire. This concept was later applied to other areas.
Two years earlier, in 1917, in advance of the end of WWI, the British had drafted and published a policy for the disposition of the captured Ottoman lands in Palestine. [6] Britain and France were at that time following the “secret’ Sykes-Picot Agreement in their disposition of Ottoman Lands. But in recognition of the historic association of the Jews with Palestine, the Balfour Declaration, a British Policy approved by its Cabinet, provided for exclusive political or national rights in Palestine to be granted to World Jewry.
The 1920 agreement of the WWI Allies at San Remo, on the terms of the Mandate turned what had been only a British Policy approved by the Cabinet, into International Law. Under Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant, the rights had been provided in trust, [7].

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
Obama's relations with Israel and other Nations
Obama has no respect from many of the International community. Obama has no credibility, he has the least experience in real politics, he is the worst president the U.S. has ever had. Obama has alienated many nations and has caused foreign policy damage that is costing the American taxpayer trillions. Obama has abused his executive powers and should be prosecuted for his violations. Obama is ignoring the true sovereignty of the Jewish people in Israel and the various treaties and international agreements entered into after WWI. Obama's blatant disrespect of Netanyahu and Israel's International legitimate rights shows his naivety in International matters and foreign policy. Obama's lack of etiquette is an outright embarrassment to the United States.
Natanyahu is trying his best, but he will not compromise the security of Israel and that is the way a leader should perform. It is interesting to note, that Jordan is a country that never existed in history before WWI and nobody is contesting its legitimacy or territorial sovereignty and control. The same powers that established 21 Arab States after WWI, Established the State of Israel based on the Balfur Declaration. On the other hand, Israel and its Jewish people have over 3500 year history. Many Nations and people are questioning Israel's control of its liberated territory. No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had ejected about a million Jewish people from their countries, confiscated their homes and assets to the tune of over 500 billion dollars and over 600,00 of these Jewish people were resettled in Greater Israel.
If this is not discrimination against Israel, I do not know what is.
It seems like nobody cares about land violations in other countries in the world, but when it comes to Israel, everyone has a say. Israel's rights in the treaty of San Remo of 1920 are in affect in perpetuity, clearly states that the Jewish people are the only ones with political rights in the British Mandate of Palestine and that the Jewish people can live anywhere in the British Mandate.
If the U.S., Europe and other countries will stop meddling, and stop its criticism and involvement in the politics of Israel and the Arabs, than there will be a chance for peace.
We know the great powers are only interested in the OIL and nothing else, that is the bottom line.
YJ Draiman

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
It is time to evict all Arab who create violence, riot and attack Jews.
A Jewish person and any other person in Jerusalem and the rest of Greater Israel has the right to live and walk in his own country in peace and tranquility without fear or intimidation.
I suggest a massive demonstration by Israelis, demanding the government to restore peace without fear or intimidation at all costs. Ignore world opinion and the Media, they will criticize and defame Israel no matter what.
Eventually the world at large respects a government that protects its people.
According to International Law All Jews have the right to live in any area of the original 1920 Mandate for Palestine and its adoption in perpetuity by the League of Nations.
It is interesting to note that the World at large is not questioning the State of Jordan and its territory, which was taken from the allocation to Jewish land. Jordan a State that has never existed in history prior to WW1. But Israel that has existed on its land for over 3500 years which included The land Jordan occupies, they are questioning Israel's land. They do not mention that The Arabs ejected a million Jewish people and confiscated their homes and assets and that about 600,000 of them were settled in Israel's LIBERATED TERRITORY.
Arabs are the occupiers, they have 21 Arab States that were granted to them after WW1 by the same powers that granted the State of Israel.
There is no other term for Jewish villages and towns in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem than Liberated Territories.
To negate any claim of Arab ownership of the land, Read and study the Ottoman empire land title. It states that approximately 98% of the land was owned by the government, some of it was leased to the Arab population as sharecroppers, not owners.
The balance 2% was owned by Arab land barons who sold the land at premium prices to the Jews.
Here is the incredible testimony of The Mufti of Jerusalem on January 12, 1937 when he documents in testimony for the British Peel Commission that the Jews did not steal land from the Arab Palestinians but by the year of 1920, the time of the “Occupation” meaning the British Palestine Mandate, the Jewish people had already purchased 1,500,000 dunams of land in the Land of Israel which is 375,000 acres.
The Mufti also testified that the land was not bought by “forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition of land”. That kind of ruling behavior was the action of the Ottoman rulers and not the Jews. Also the Mufti admitted that any evictions done were by absentee landlords who chose to sell “land over the heads of their tenants, who then were forcibly evicted”, and that the majority of these tenants were not Palestinians but Lebanese.
It is a common practice by the Muslims to obfuscate, distort, outright fabrication and misrepresent facts to their benefit, it is even permitted under their religion, in order to accomplish their goals.

BY A 15 yr. OLD SCHOOL KID who got an A+ for this entry
Since the Pledge of Allegiance and The Lord's Prayer are not allowed in most public schools anymore, because the word 'God' is not to be mentioned..... A kid in Arizona wrote the attached NEW School prayer:
"New Pledge of Allegiance"
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene..
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all..
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks...
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong..
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles..
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!

Politics Draiman added 3 new photos.
British reneging its its obligation to Israel THE FORSAKEN PROMISE
League of Nations - A Dying Protest
As it became apparent that Britain was about to repudiate its obligations under the Mandate, indignation and anger were voiced, particularly in the United States. In its dying moments, the League of Nations accused Britain of a flagrant breach of its Mandate, calling attention to her "virtual suspension" of Jewish immigration. In the face of these reactions, and at a time of an international crisis in Europe, the British cabinet met on October 19 and announced that no drastic action would be taken against the Jews. The plans for a reorganized Arab Palestine were shelved, and it was announced that military action would be taken at once to put down the Arab rebels.
In November 1938, the British Government convened the London Conference on the future of Palestine. It was attended by the representatives of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Trans-Jordan - as well as a Palestinian Arab delegation (which was split between followers of the Mufti and people who were frightened of him), the Zionist Executive, and the British hosts. The Conference broke up in deadlock on March 17, 1939, two days after Hitler's occupation of Prague. It paved the way for a unilateral statement from the British Government, which would be much more favorable to the Arabs than any official statement since the beginning of the Mandate. This was the famous White Paper of May 1939, of which the main provisions were: no partition; no Jewish state; an independent Arab state within 10 years; Jewish immigration, after five years, would not be allowed "unless the Arabs of Palestine were prepared to acquiesce in it".
The legality of the White Paper, in terms of the Mandate, was not only contested by the Jews. The Permanent Mandates Commission, reporting to the Council of the League, found unanimously "that the policy set out in the White Paper was not in accordance with the interpretation which, in agreement with the Mandatory Power and the Council, the Commission had placed upon the Palestine Mandate."

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
British restrictions and blockade on Jewish immigration to Palestine 1938-1948 caused the death of over 2 million Jews trying to escape German extermination camps.
The British in 1922 gave away in violation of the Mandate 77% of the land in Palestine allocated for the Jewish people to the Arabs as the State named Jordan of which 80% of the population is Arab-Palestinians. This is the Palestinian State and no other.
British actions in Palestine during the Mandate 1918-1948 are the cause of the continued violence and terrorism in the Middle East. The British wanted to control the oil in the Middle East and they were willing and did cross anyone to accomplish their goals. In today's time in history, nothing has changed.
In less than 20 years England and the rest of Europe will be controlled by Muslims with Sharia laws in place.
Prohibiting Jews for residing anywhere where the map of Mandate for Palestine territory of 1920 is a violation of International Law and the San Remo Treaty which was adopted by the League of Nations in 1920.
Any housing, factories, goods and services produced by Jews in the area that was designated as the Mandate for Palestine is granted by the International agreements and treaties of the 1918-1920, which are in affect for perpetuity.
Israel's 2nd war of liberation of 1967

Politics Draiman commented on a link.
Arab “Palestinians from the Arab “Jordanians”. These are one and the same people even though Jordan is ruled by a Hashemite Arab most of the Arabs living in Jordan are “Palestinian” Arabs (around 85%) As you know both “Palestinians” and “Jordanians” were a created people. When the British mandate criminally partitioned 77% of Israel to create the Kingdom of Jordan…the Arab “Palestinians” who were fighting for their own land were meant to move to this new country but the Arab league had their own designs for the remainder of the Jewish lands made sure that a large presence of the so call “Palestinians” remained in Israel to continue their never ending quest to drive the Jews out of all of Israel. The best solution to end the conflict is for the world to recognize that there is already a Palestine east of the Jordan river and to allow to move the “Palestinian” Arabs out of all Eretz Yisrael to Jordan-Palestine.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
Love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
One of the Jewish commandments is: Love thy neighbor as you love yourself.
Just because we have different opinion and or practices does not mean we cannot respect each other and get along.
You can accomplish more with honey than with vinegar,
It is easy to criticize. It is a lot harder to be tolerant and look for the good attributes a person has.
A strong Israel is a Unified Israel. A divided Israel is a weak Israel.
The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed due to unfounded hatred between the Jewish people.
Have a happy and healthy New Year to all.
May we learn to live in peace tranquility and harmony.

Politics Draiman commented on a link.
International law fully recognizes the Jewish people’s claim to Jerusalem, where they have historical roots dating back over 3,000 years and have been the largest ethnic group in the city since 1820.
Ernst Frankenstein, a British authority on international law said, for example, that the Jewish people have a right to their ancestral homeland and ancient capital city in Jerusalem based on the fact that the Jewish people never relinquished their historic claims to the area.

Politics Draiman commented on an article.
Here is some information that you need to know about the Arab/Palestinians.
There never has been, there is not now and there never will be a country called "Palestine."
The Arab/Palestinians/Moslems squatting on Jewish land in and around Israel are overwhelmingly either descendants of invaders, illegal immigrants or trespassers.
The term "Palestinian" was popularized after the Six Day War in '67 in an attempt to delegitimize Israel.
There are already 21 Arab/Moslem dominated countries spread out over a few millions square miles of territory, including most of Jordan which was part of the Jewish allocated land under the League of Nations in 1922. It also stated that the Jewish people are to set up their own government and none other. The Arabs also ejected close to a million Jewish people from their countries and confiscated their homes and assets, about a third of the Jewish people died while leaving the Arab countries.
The Arab/Moslems are not interested in creating a 22nd Arab controlled country.
Their only desire is to annihilate the one and only Jewish state.
"And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel "Dwell securely in the land (of ... (Holy Quran 17:104).
(Surah Al-Ma’ida, verse 21), and the other (Surah Al-Shara’a, verse 59) says that the land was bequeathed to the Jews.
Under International Law and Treaties – An Arab/Palestinian State cannot be established in Israel on Jewish land allocated to the Jewish people under the San Remo agreement of 1922 and ratified by the League of Nations and signed by 51 member states.
Jordan is the Palestinian State - The land originally allocated to the Jewish people,
The British violated the agreement and gave it to the Arabs.

Politics Draiman commented on a link.
The Jewish people are not only a national and political unit. Since their first appearance on the stage of history they have been the personification of a moral will and the bearers of a historic vision which they inherited from the prophets of Israel. It is impossible to understand the history of the Jewish people and their struggle for existence—both when they were a nation rooted in their own soil and more or less controlling their own destiny, and when they were a wandering people, exiled and dispersed—unless we bear in mind the unique idea which their history embodies, and the stubborn opposition, not only physical, political, and military, but also spiritual, moral, and intellectual, which the Jews have always confronted.
In ancient times, our most important neighbors were Egypt and Babylon. The struggle with these mighty neighbors was political and military as well as cultural and spiritual. Israel's prophets spoke out against the spiritual influence of these neighbors on Israel's religio-moral concepts and social patterns. They advocated faith in one God, the unity of the human race, and the dominion of justice. Today, the Jewish people, having held their own, appear again in the same area in which they evolved. The entire environment in this region has been completely transformed since Bible days. The languages, religions, civilizations, and the very names of the ancient Middle Eastern peoples have disappeared. Yet Israel, though largely uprooted for two millenniums, continues its ancient traditions of language, faith, and culture—as it were, uninterruptedly.

“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.”
“Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. ”
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”

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