Sunday, June 21, 2015

The most obvious and dangerous cause of conflict and instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself r1.

The most obvious and dangerous cause of conflict and instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself r1.

Let me advance an interesting opinion: The most dangerous cause of instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself. I know this is an unusual point of view. Give me a chance to explain my theory.
By my count, there have been at least 25 major outbursts of violence between Jews and Arab-Palestinians in the Middle East since 1920. Every one of these conflicts ended in a similar way. Either outside powers imposed a ceasefire, or else Israel halted military operations, before the campaign was accomplished and just before a ceasefire could be imposed.
Every one of these conflicts began in a similar way too: with a renewed attack by the Arab side, or else (as in 1956 or 1967) by Arab violations of the terms of the previous armistice or ceasefire and a blockade in the Suez Canal.
Think for a minute how unusual this is. Wars usually end when one side or the other decides it cannot continue fighting. The losing side accepts terms it had formerly deemed unacceptable because the alternative — continued fighting — seems even worse. Whenever have you heard the vanquished dictating the terms?
I doubt many Hungarians are delighted to have lost more than half their territory to neighbors in Romania and the former Yugoslavia. The Bolivians still remember the loss of their Pacific coast to Chile in 1884. Some in Indonesia continue to regard East Timor as rightfully theirs. Yet for the most part, these nations have reconciled themselves to these unwelcome outcomes.
Exactly the opposite has occurred in the Arab-Israeli dispute. Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula in 1956, but got it back by pressuring Israel. Egypt lost the Sinai again in 1967, and again recovered it (although this time the right way, after signing a formal peace). I might mention that when Egypt gained its independence, it did not include the Sinai.
Syria lost the Golan in 1967, it attacked Israel in 1973, lost again — and still demands the return of the territory.
Arab-Palestinians rejected the 1947 partition, resorted to war, lost, and to this day demand compensation for their losses.
It is like a game of roulette where the management stops the game whenever you begin losing too badly, with promises to refund your money as soon as it conveniently can. What gambler could resist returning to the tables?
I understand why Western governments have acted as they have. They have feared that unless they somehow smooth the situation, the world oil market will be upset and radical ideologies will spread through the Islamic world. Just like the Arab oil embargo of 1973. What they do not see is that their efforts to contain the problem have in fact aggravated it, and accelerated the hostilities by the Arabs.
Think of this alternative history: suppose that the Western world had not intervened in 1949. Suppose the Israeli war of independence had been fought to the bitter end: Arab armies breaking apart and fleeing, as they have in the past, commanders laying down their arms, columns of refugees crossing the Jordan River. The 1949 war would have ended not with an armistice, but with a surrender. Arab-Palestinian refugees would have had to settle in new homes, just as the million Jews expelled from their former homes in the Arab lands resettled in Israel.
The outcome would have squelched any hope that more fighting would have yielded a different result — and the more decisive result might have dissuaded Arab governments from any further attempts to resort to force.
Now Think of another scenario. In the 1990″²s, the former Yugoslavia erupted into war. New states with new borders were carved out of the old country. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. Horrific atrocities were committed. Happily, the conflict ended. The displaced adjusted to life in their new homes. Former enemies may still mistrust each other, but violence has faded and seems unlikely to return.
Suppose instead the world had agreed that one of the combatant ethnic groups — the Serbs, say, but it really does not matter — retained a permanent inextinguishable right to reclaim its former homes with all its new offspring’s. Suppose the world agreed to pay displaced persons from that group billions in foreign aid on condition that they never permanently resettled in the territory to which the ethnic group had moved. Suppose the world tolerated Serbian terrorist attacks on Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo as understandable reactions to injustice. The conflict and violence would continue. Would there be peace in the former Yugoslavia today?
The Middle East peacemakers for the most part act with the highest of intentions and the most exquisite patience. However, instead of extinguishing the conflict, they have prolonged it. A peace process intended to insulate the Arab world from the pain of defeat has condemned the Arab world — and the Arab-Palestinian people above all — to an unending war, which is initiated by the Arabs.
Every war must end — and end badly for at least one of the belligerents. It is time for this war to end as well.
May the victor be merciful.
YJ Draiman
It is interesting to note, that Jordan is a country that never existed in history before WWI and nobody is contesting its legitimacy or territorial sovereignty and control. The same powers that established 21 Arab States plus Jordan after WWI also re-established the State of Israel based on the Balfour Declaration and the San Remo Treaty of 1920 and confirmed by the 1920 Treaty of Sevres and Lausanne.
On the other hand, Israel and its Jewish people have over 4,000 year of recorded history.
Many Nations and people are questioning Israel’s control of its liberated territory. No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had ejected about a million Jewish people from their countries, confiscated their assets, businesses, homes and land. About 650,00 of these persecuted and expelled Jewish families and their children were resettled in Greater Israel. The Land the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people 120,446 sq. km. or 75,000 sq. miles, which is over 5-6 times the size of Israel, and its value today is in the trillions of dollars.
Let the 21 Arab countries resettle the Arab Palestinians in the land they confiscated from the Jews which is 5-6 times the size of Israel. Provide them with funds they confiscated from the million Jewish families they expelled and let them build an economy, This will benefit both the Arab-Palestinians and the hosting countries, The other alternative is relocate the Arab-Palestinians to Jordan, (originally land allocated for the Jewish people under the San Remo Treaty of 1920) which is already 80% Arab-Palestinians, and give them funds to relocate and build an economy. This will solve the Arab-Palestinians refugee problem once and for all. It will also reduce hostility and strife in the region.
If this is not discrimination against Israel, I do not know what is.
It seems like nobody cares about land violations in other countries in the world, but when it comes to Israel, everyone has a say. Israel’s rights in the terms of the treaty of San Remo of 1920 are in affect in perpetuity, it clearly states that the Jewish people are the only ones with political rights in the British Mandate of Palestine and that the Jewish people can live anywhere in the British Mandate.
If the U.S., Europe and other countries will stop meddling, and stop its criticism and involvement in the politics of Israel and the Arabs, than there will be a chance for peace.
We know the great powers are only interested in the OIL and nothing else, that is the bottom line.
A true and lasting peace in Israel will bring mammoth economic prosperity to The Israelis and The Arabs alike.

An approach to peace starts by teaching your children and the people not to hate and condemn any acts violence that hurts civilian population and stop celebrating and rewarding the death and destruction of each other.


  1. All Israeli politicians
    and leaders must understand, any and all internal conflict which leads to
    divisiveness weakens Israel. If they really care
    about Israel as well as its
    people and want Israel to survive in
    these difficult times, they must unify in a common cause and work together to enhance Israel's safety and security.
    They must learn how to overcome their differences, for the sake of Israel and its people.
    Any elected or appointed leader, politician or official that pursues divisiveness and continues to incite conflict does not belong in a position to govern or represent Israel and its people.
    The self-serving agendas of the individual or party, which does not promote unity must stop immediately. The future of Israel depends on it.
    "Israel - United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not
    split into factions which have got to destroy that unification upon which our existence hangs".
    YJ Draiman

  2. Obama caused the evaporation of America's credibility and stature in the world.
    Barack Obama is willing to sacrifice the America's integrity and reliability in order to come to an absurd agreement with Iran, which would jeopardize the whole free world.
    The Iranians know Obama has no backbone and they are taking advantage of it. During the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis, Iran took advantage of Jimmy Carter's weakness and kept the hostages for 444 days, but within hours of President Ronald Reagan swearing-in, Iran released the hostages. The Iranians knew President Reagan would use extreme force to release the American hostages. The Iranians did not want to start with the Reagan administration. Dealing from strength is the way to win arguments and conflicts and not cowering to the Iranians or any other leaders or country that want to take America to the task and test America's resolve.
    It is as if Obama wanted the Iraq war to fail intentionally so that he would not face a citizenry with the staying power to pursue its international responsibilities. Thus, he would be free to transform America without distraction.
    How can a nation be credible when it is led by a man who fears his base more than he fears the rising domination of a nuclear Iran being armed by a Russian thug on the ascent? After six years in office, Barack Obama has no idea what he is doing or how to fulfill his responsibilities as leader of the free world. He does know how to run from confrontation as quickly as he can find the door, irrespective of what becomes of our national security or our relationship with our allies. And he has succeeded in destroying our credibility on the world stage.
    As the 9/11 tragedy with its horrific pictures, it is not just the memories of that fateful day and the loss of 3,000 Americans that come rushing back. It is the feeling of dread that the Democrats who are running the foreign policy show are taking us back to those pre-9/11 days, when the terrorists were left unchecked and emboldened. And that will be Obama's legacy -- not the legacy of what Iraq could have been, but of what it turned into once Obama entered office. This legacy has nothing whatsoever to do with diplomacy versus military strength and a war-weary country. It has everything in the world to do with the evaporation of our nation's credibility and stature in the world.

  3. One must convey Jewish feelings and
    passions about Jerusalem with un-minced words.
    When it comes to JERUSALEM’S sovereignty there is a line
    drawn in the sand. For the
    Jews, Jerusalem is their heart, aspirations, their holy
    city, devotion, ideals, symbol of being a nation with history, a nation with
    prophets, justice, fairness, rich Jewish history and the Jewish soul. When a
    Jew conveys his feeling about Jerusalem, he must not worry about offending
    anybody, or hurt feelings. We cannot make an omelet without cracking eggs, and
    a Jew cannot and must not be apologetic about Jewish’ feelings concerning Jerusalem. it is clear to me even if I were
    not a Jew, just from a pragmatic consideration of running a city, that any
    of Jerusalem will lead eventually to immense
    friction and sooner-or-later to another war. We must present and make the
    analogy, that dividing Jerusalem is like dividing the baby in King
    Solomon’s verdict. Jews
    do not divide babies, only those who do not feel and care for the baby are
    prepared to take half. This is what every Jew must say.
    I hope that we all have the opportunity
    to say these tough words for Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
    P.S. How many holidays do the
    Arabs-Muslims celebrate due to historical events in the land of ancient Israel.
    The Jewish people celebrate most of their holidays and fast days in memory of
    and the goal and aspiration to return to Israel and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem
    where it was before it was destroyed and desecrated by the enemies of the
    Jews. Many of the Jewish prayers for thousands of years recite the love of Israel
    and the Jewish aspirations to return to their ancestral land and bring back its
    glory and holiness.

  4. Israel's left is a threat to Israel's existence
    The menacing phenomenon of the Israeli left-winger, whose daily betrayals embitter the lives of us all. If left unchallenged, he will literally bring us all down together. As it was then, it is more so today.
    The Israeli Left remains the single greatest threat to the Jewish people in their homeland. It can be argued that their actions, inactions, their spin and media manipulation, have caused more damage to Israel than those of the PLO and Hamas. It must be remembered that it was the Left that imported these terrorists to our shores through the treacherous Oslo Accords. Their goals, couched in the falsely deluding language of peace and liberalism, are inimical to those very ideals. In fact, their true path lies in the destruction of a sovereign Jewish state in the Land of Israel. It is imperative that we understand the left-wing phenomenon we face in order to decelerate the forces pushing Israel to self-destruct.
    The Left, which today calls itself post-Zionist, is in fact pre-Zionist, their psychosis having its roots in centuries of ghettoised ideas and an exile-like mentality. For the Left, the irrational hatred of the Arabs or their anti-Semitic friends in Europe is justified. Leftists tell themselves that it is not that Israel is the victim of Islamic fascism, rather, the Arabs are the aggrieved party; if only we bribe them or scapegoat our brothers in Judea, Samaria and the Borders with Hamas Gaza, then all will be alright. This world-view is similar to the pre-Zionist thinking that murderous Cossacks or Polish mobs could be bought off, and that if only we appease them a little, then we can avert another pogrom. The leftist subconscious believes that the centuries of anti-Semitism are not based on jealousy, on religious fervour, on scape-goating of a stateless minority, but rather have some justification. They see the Jewish people as to blame for being the victims of such racist assaults.

  5. Israel must be a country that will be able to stand up to anti-Israel propaganda, to rising
    worldwide anti-Semitism, to the political pressure and the constant
    de-legitimization and demonization of the nation state of the Jewish people.
    Remember, a unified and strong Israel means a strong
    and undeterred entire Jewish nation with the ability to support the country and
    its citizens, and provide a safe haven for Jews worldwide.
    We have a country to sustain and protect from external and internal enemies. We have a country to
    protect from the barrages of rockets and missiles that can reach every corner
    of the country. We have to protect our citizens from suicide bombers, terror
    and violence. We need a country that can stand up, with dignity and pride, to
    world pressure. It is imperative to be united especially at time of war,
    conflict and a growing hostile world.
    But Israel must also be united to sustain and achieve its continued survival, peace and prosperity.
    As such, I advocate that the citizens of Israel be smart in their upcoming exercise of political power. Israeli citizens must demand, with resolve, from their elected politicians to deliver on their
    promises to keep the country strong and safe. Israelis must not let Israel be weakened
    under the Israel's new "5th column" or the political Left, whether it is the High Court or other
    entities. Furthermore, Israelis should no longer tolerate the politicians, the
    media, or even other citizens who delude themselves and refuse to accept
    reality based upon facts, harsh truth, and past history.
    Israelis must fight for the soul of our country. We must fight for our heritage and our Jewish
    cause, which is for a nationalist, political, and cultural movement which supports
    the continual development of the Jewish homeland in the ancestral territory
    defined as the historic Land of Israel.
    All Israeli politicians and leaders must understand, any and all internal conflict which leads to
    divisiveness weakens Israel. If they really care about Israel as well as its
    people and want Israel to survive in these difficult times, they must unify in a common cause and work together to enhance Israel's safety and security.
    They must learn how to overcome their differences, for the sake of Israel and its people.
    Any elected or appointed leader, politician or official that pursues
    divisiveness and continues to incite conflict does not belong in a position to
    govern or represent Israel and its people.
    The self-serving agendas of the individual or party, which does not promote
    unity must stop immediately. The future of Israel depends on it.
    YJ Draiman
